CVDG OverviewSearch
The Construction Vibration Damage Guide (CVDG) for is the only and original source for the current version of the free Construction Vibration Damage Guide for Homeowners (CVDG, ©Copyright 2013-2024 John M. Zeigler). It was developed for non-scientists who feel they might have experienced cracking or other damage to their homes from construction vibration, as well as for those whose work means they must understand the field. The regularly-upgraded Guide is widely used by people who are considering non-legal remedies or legal action, citizens who want to find out about vibration damage in preparation for pending construction in their area, regulators looking for help in properly controlling construction to avoid damage, contractors who want to avoid legal actions, and those academics, scientists and engineers who want to learn about vibration measurement and effects generally.
What's in the CVDG
The CVDG has many more chapters than these online, which you can get to by following the links at the top and left side of every page, as well as the embedded links in the text. It may be helpful to keep open the hyperlinked CVDG Table of Contents page in a separate tab or window to allow easier online navigation of all the CVDG pages. A text-only version of the Table of Contents is just below. If you're looking for specific information or information directed at certain groups and issues, see our Document Index. At bottom of each chapter of the CVDG, you'll find a menu which you can use to go back to the last or forward to the next chapter of the CVDG. If you're reading it online, this menu will help you view the CVDG chapters in logical order.
About the CVDG The CVDG is a layman's summary of the science and technology of construction vibration damage. It is written in non-technical language, although many explanations of technical terms and concepts are provided, to allow those with non-technical backgrounds to understand the terms used in the field, if they read the original scientific literature referenced in the CVDG. The CVDG has a Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score of 45 and a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 12, so those with a high school or equivalent education should be able to read and understand it. I hope that, with the introduction provided by the CVDG, non-scientists will be placed in a better position to handle vibration damage occurrences with a minimum of expense and stress. The CVDG, in both free and Pro versions, is based mostly upon experience in the United States, although those in other countries should find its content generally applicable in the great majority of areas discussed. CVDG readers in countries outside the U.S. will need, in particular, to learn the vibration standards and limits relevant in their locales. The CVDG page, Vibration Standards, has a summary of the designations for these in most developed countries.
The CVDG PDF is directly compatible with the overwhelming majority of e-readers and mobile devices. If you find the text too small on your device to read the CVDG PDF comfortably, you can usually resolve that difficulty simply by viewing it in landscape mode, rather than in portrait mode. Just rotate your device so that the long dimension of the screen is horizontal. Both the free and Pro versions of the CVDG are supplied as secured PDF files. The permissions for these files allow copying of short lengths of text, commenting, highlighting and printing; they do not allow extracting pages or modifying the text of the CVDG. The uses you may make of the CVDG free are indicated in more detail in the CVDG License. CVDG Upgrades Each new edition of the CVDG PDF has upgrades and updates on every page, with several entirely new documents added. We update the references with every new edition. For this reason, we suggest that people always get free updates to the current version. To the extent that the CVDG chapters are available online as web pages, these are updated regularly as well. The newest information will usually appear on the web, to the extent that the CVDG pages are available there. Reproducing the CVDG The copyrighted CVDG may not be offered by others in PDF or HTML format or reproduced on other web sites, in full or in part. The free version of the Guide is licensed and available free only to individuals for personal, at-home, non-business, use. Users of the CVDG may not copy or transfer their copies of the CVDG to others. Full use license terms can be found on our CVDG License page. The license is included within the CVDG PDF. The Professional Edition of the CVDG,, with comprehensive content for homeowners, attorneys, contractors, educators, insurance adjustors and others handling or having vibration damage, is licensed for business use. The CVDG, in any form or edition, may not be copied or quoted without express written consent from the author. This page ( may be linked by other sites or cited as the source of the Guide. Limited quoting of parts of the CVDG may be allowed in accordance with the License terms. The CVDG in all versions (free, Pro and online) is protected by multiple U.S. registered copyrights. It may only be used in accordance with the terms of the License which accompanies it. However, some individuals may want to quote from the CVDG in free, public service settings or to reference it in the scientific literature. Registered users of the PDF versions of the CVDG and researchers may quote text from its pages royalty-free, so long as the quotation is less than 100 words in length and properly and fully attributed on each and every page bearing such quotes. The citation should be of the following form: John M. Zeigler, The Construction Vibration Damage Guide (for Homeowners or Professional Edition), Edition x.y (where x and y are the major and minor version numbers indicated in the Guide), , page(s) z (where z is the CVDG page number or page number range from which the quotation is drawn). Users of the CVDG may also quote the online version using the following suggested format: John M. Zeigler, The Construction Vibration Damage Guide for Homeowners, Edition x.y (where x and y are the major and minor version numbers indicated in the Guide), URL. To use graphics from the CVDG royalty-free, seek permission, specifying in the detail all the materials you want to use from the CVDG. You may also ask questions about quoting parts of the CVDG by email to
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